
E.g., 03-07-2024
E.g., 03-07-2024
David Parker, Head of US Sales, MTS, discusses the challenges of electronic trading for the buy and sell-side and why transparency is a...
European Regulatory Summary – January 2017 As Brexit becomes more of a reality, the government, government agencies, regulators, and...
The best collaboration initiative category is new for this year’s American Financial Technology Awards and it is MTS Markets International...
In something of an anomaly in this year’s American Financial Technology Awards, MTS Markets and Bloomberg have won two different categories...
Firms recognized for ‘Best Collaboration Initiative’ and ‘Best Partnership Alliance’ Enables trading on MTS BondsPro liquidity pool...
Markets Media Trading Up: MTS Adds Parker for Sales MTS Markets, part of London Stock Exchange Group, announced that David Parker recently...
This short summary sets out a brief status update on the regulatory reform agenda as relevant for MTS business. Click here to read .
Four of the market’s leading electronic trading platforms BrokerTec Europe Ltd, MarketAxess Europe Limited, MTS Group and Tradeweb Europe...
